With Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified



3 Day WorkShop: The Quality culture workshop helps to change the perspective of Quality being a policing group of people within the organization to the organizational mindset itself. Quality isn’t just a position or a title; it is the way each person shows up, everyday.  These workshops will give the foundation to further strengthen the corporate identity, reduce quality incidents, and make employees aware of the quality supports and procedures available within the company to assist them in their day to day roles. 


  • 3-day intensive training
  • Learn human psyche vs quality theory
  • ​Leverage human psychology and human behaviour to drive business goals
  • Establish a quality culture tool kit


  • Executive Team
  • Managers
  • Culture Champions
  • Quality Management Professionals
  • Change Management Professionals
  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Consultants and Advisors Influencing Change For Their Clients

                            PARTICIPANT COST FOR TOTAL SESSION

                            $3,995.00 (+GST)

                            ( Minimum 3 Participants )

                            Note: Facilities, AV equipment, Food and accommodations are charged separately and are not part of the participant cost

                            ENGAGEMENT DETAILS

                            FOLLOW-UP COACHING PROGRAM

                            HOURLY COACHING RATE: $250/HR (+GST)

                            If your team requires additional time for follow up, we offer Coaching follow up sessions.

                              Quality Culture Certificate Program  
                              MODULES HOURS OUTLINE
                              Introduction and 
                              Definition of Culture
                              1 This module will introduce students to the psychology of organizations and culture and provide insights and techniques for how to influence and reinforce the right behaviours.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified.

                              Pillar 1 - Psychological Safety

                              1 This module introduces students to the concept of Psychological Safety and the effect it has on collaboration within a team.  Students will be provided with tools to recognize symptoms of good or bad psychological safety, and be introduced to techniques to ground a team and reinforce this concept.
                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP &   Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified.

                              Pillar 2 - Clear Accountabilities

                              1 This module introduces students to the concept of Clear Accountability and the effect it has on collaboration within a team.  Students will be provided with tools to recognize symptoms of good or bad accountability and be introduced to techniques to provide clarity and reinforce this concept.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Pillar 3 - Strategic Improvement
                              1 This module introduces students to the concept of Strategic Improvement and the effect it has on collaboration within a team.  Students will be taught the difference between strategic improvement and continuous improvement and be given techniques to create a platform for team members to share ideas and ways to move initiatives forward.  

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP &   Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified.
                              Pillar 4 - Effective Communication
                              1 This module introduces students to the concept of Effective Communication and the effect it has on collaboration within a team.  Students will be provided with tools to tell good stories both internally and externally, and given techniques to build community both internally and externally.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Human Psyche vs Quality Theory
                              1.5 This module introduces students to the concept of quality control, quality assurance and quality culture and how it relates to human psychology.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn
                               Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified.

                              What is Quality?
                              1 This module introduces students to the idea that Quality is not the same for everyone.  Students will learn how to define quality in a way that works for them and their organization.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified

                              Conflict vs Collaboration

                              1 This module introduces students to the concept of Conflict vs Collaboration.  Students will learn how to engage team members collaboratively and how to recognize when they are showing up with conflict vs collaboration.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified. 

                              Psychological Safety - Effect on Safety and Quality
                              This module delves deeper into psychological safety and its effect on safety and quality.  Students will learn how quality issues can impact safety issues and vice versa.
                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified. 
                              Build Your Tower
                              2.5 This module is an interactive exercise designed to demonstrate the purpose of quality team members within an organization.   Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Social Transmission
                              1 This module introduces students to the concept of social transmission and how knowledge is transferred.  Students will learn how behaviour is transmitted from person to person.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              What is ISO 9001 really?
                              2 This module breaks down ISO 9001 into its true component parts.  Students will understand the purpose of the various sections of ISO 9001 and what it really means for business and for human behaviour.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Building Trust
                              2 The module introduces the power of ritual in uniting a group together.  Examples of organizational rituals will be discussed as well as techniques to initiate them.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Inspiring Behaviours
                              1 This modules introduces the role of leadership in a quality culture and how inspring behaviours can influence team dynamics.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Commending Behaviours
                              1 This module introduce the role of recognition in a quality culture and the role it plays in reinforcing desired behaviours.  Students will be given tools and techniques for providing recognition in a way that is meaningful for the individual and for the team.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Influence vs Authority
                              1 This module introduces the concept of influence vs authority.  Students will learn the role of both these things and gain perspective on their own ability to influence change.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Elements of a Culture Shift
                              1 This module introduces the elements of a culture shift broken down into its component parts.  Students will learn to recognize both the psychological and the technical components required to influence human behaviour.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Building Your Action Plan
                              1 This module empowers students to build their own action plan for creating a quality culture within their own organizations.

                              Adam Kolozetti M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP & Katelyn Bullock P.ENG, RABQSA Certified
                              Total hours 23   
                              Pricing / per participants*   $3,995.00
                              - Certificate of Completion awarded if a mark of 70% or higher is achieved on each module quiz         and all assignments completed.
                              - Price does NOT include Sales tax, Travel Costs ( if applicable)
                              - Course instructor may change with no advance notice
                              - Course delivery will be either in Person or Video Call ( Based on Client Request )
                              - REFUND POLICY: No refunds will be provided after payment has been received. However,           
                                 rescheduling may occur within a 6 month period from the original purchase date; dependent on     facilitator and facility availability.

                              Adam Kolozetti
                              M.Eng, P.Eng, PMP 

                              Adam has a Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering which led him down a path of learning in the Defense, Energy, and Construction industries.  It is this quest for knowledge that taught him that collaboration and the human condition were his passion and his calling. 

                              Katelyn Bullock
                              P.ENG, RABQSA Certified

                              Katelyn is a Materials Engineer who fell in love with quality management systems.  She has worked in the Construction and Energy industry where she built and oversaw quality systems and improvement programs.

                              These two colliding paths led to the co-founding of ENTA Solutions, a company dedicated to animating business culture and driving business success. 

                              For the last eight years, Adam and Katelyn and their team have helped businesses unlock human potential and drive towards their vision. This Includes hundreds of hours  in facilitating group workshops and teaching culture strategies to business leaders.


                              Adam is also the host of The Culture Hack video podcast where he engages with the top experts in the field of organizational culture and psychology,  and  Katelyn is the host of Walk the Block, and video series where she features local Calgary businesses.