The only and most distinctive professional recruiting, staffing, and search certificate program in the entire world is the PROFESSIONAL SEARCH ACADEMY!  The only and most distinctive professional recruiting, staffing, and search certificate program in the entire world is the PROFESSIONAL SEARCH ACADEMY!  The PSA Certificate Program is open to staffing, search, and HR professionals at ALL levels. The Certificate programs we will lead you through the most thorough and focused education you can find for the sector. Most businesses will provide you with their perspective on the sector via the prism of their own organization, but they will fall short of educating you on the sector as a whole, leaving you to wonder about your competitors, other agencies' workflows, and your constant need for  online quick fixes. Discover all the information you require regarding job postings, job boards, job profiling, skill matrices, candidate attraction, candidate 

targeting,  talent management, candidate matching, candidate search, KPIs, and scorecards. Engaging the  BEST AVAILABLE CANDIDATES    is of utmost importance! Interviewing and the interviewing process, onboarding, business development, outbound and inbound call evaluation, account management, effective CRM/ATS use and management are all included. The PSA Certificate Programs help you achieve industry excellence by removing the mysteries surrounding the professional search, recruiting, and staffing sectors of the workforce. 


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